ENGNSOL: Wholesale Gas Brokers

ENGNSOL Llc and ENGNSOL Sas, bespoke brokerages on the Over-The-Counter market, professionally arrange gas purchase and sale transactions based on NAESB, EFET or ISDA framework. Prompt and forward transactions are executed at fixed-price, published indices, or as physical basis to benchmark North American and European gas hubs.

The firms offer price discovery, anonymity, competitive execution, and access to liquidity to clients in Gas, Natural Gas Liquids, and LNG markets.

ENGNSOL Sas additionally participates in derivatives broking in OTC transactions that are Central Counterparty Cleared. Block trades in futures, options or combination, and exchange of futures-for-physical transactions are brokered on behalf of clients who are eligible contract participants per section §1a(18) of the Commodity Exchange Act.

ENGNSOL Sas facilitates OTC trade registration for physical settlement at the ICE NGX (North American regional gas hubs), NYMEX (Henry hub, NBP, and TTF), MIBGAS (Iberian hubs), and EEX (European gas hubs), and for financial settlement at the NYMEX (+ JKM), ICE Futures US, EEX (+ JKM) and Nasdaq Commodities (NBP, PEG, THE, TTF, and ZEE).


60 Sackett St

Brooklyn, NY 11231, United States

Voice. +1 718 576 3225


305 route des Crêtes

81500 Fiac, France

Voice. +33 563 590 129